Dental Crowns in Windsor

How Can I Restore A Damaged Tooth?

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If your tooth has been affected by decay or damaged by oral trauma, a dental crown from Dr. Daniel Banks or Dr. Jacob Dunham may be the best option for restoring your smile. With a crown, you can smile brightly, chew normally, and get back to your day-to-day routine after just two short appointments at Water Valley Dental.


Did you know…

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The average dental practice places 13 crowns per month, making this one of the most common dental procedures.

Ready to schedule your appointment?

Call (970) 460-8989

What Can I Expect From The Crown Process?

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Initial Consultation

First, you’ll contact us for a consultation with Dr. Daniel Banks or Dr. Jacob Dunham to see if a crown is the right option for repairing your tooth, and to determine if you need any additional preliminary treatments, such as a root canal to restore an infected tooth. In some cases, a crown may not be needed, and a filling will be chosen instead. 

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Crown Preparation

At your next appointment, your tooth will be prepared for a dental crown. Dr. Banks or Dr. Dunham will prep the tooth and remove decayed tooth structure, creating a stable platform for your crown. Then, the doctors will take impressions and images of the tooth, which will be used to make your permanent crown. They will attach a temporary crown to your prepped tooth, and send you home.

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Building The Crown

Dr. Banks and Dr. Dunham will work with a dental lab to create your permanent dental crown, sending them the impressions, images, and notes about your tooth. Then, your crown will be built and cast out of porcelain and sent back to our office. This process can take 2-3 weeks.

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Final Crown Placement

When your crown arrives at our office, you’ll come in for your last appointment. Dr. Banks or Dr. Dunham will remove your temporary crown, clean your tooth, and check the fit of your permanent crown. Then they will bond it into place permanently, completing the procedure.

What can I expect at a sedation consultation?

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Treatment Review

First, your dentist will review your treatment plan to determine if sedation is a good option for your procedure. Certain types of sedation are recommended, or necessary, for more invasive or lengthy dental procedures. But there are others that are better for relieving tension and anxiety.

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Health Evaluation

Your dentist will discuss your health history and overall health to determine if sedation is appropriate for you. Certain issues, like past drug addiction, the use of certain prescription medications, and some health problems may affect your ability to be sedated with your chosen method.

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Needs & Concerns

Your dentist will ask questions to determine your particular needs and concerns. How deeply do you wish to be sedated? What is making you anxious about your procedure? Do you have a low pain threshold? An honest conversation about the answers will help determine which sedation options will be appropriate for you. 

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Recommendations & Options

With the information your dentist has collected, they will lay out all your available sedation options and discuss with you each one’s effects and instructions. With their recommendation and your input, we can help you choose the right option for your procedure.

Types Of Dental Crowns

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Gold Crowns

Gold crowns used to be the most widely-used type of crown, since gold is very durable, pliable, and strong, and does not react with the mouth or oral tissue. However, it is not used as frequently today, and is rarely used in front teeth, as most patients wish to avoid the appearance of a “gold tooth.” Still, gold can be a useful option for restoring rear molars.

Porcelain Crowns

Porcelain crowns are the best option for restoring your smile. These false teeth are made of porcelain that is matched perfectly to the color of your teeth, and has a similar hardness and translucence compared to enamel. Your smile will look completely natural when you restore your tooth with a porcelain crown, so we prefer to use these crowns at Water Valley Dental.

Have Questions About Crowns? Get Answers Here!

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How Long Do Crowns Last?

Crowns usually last at least 10-20 years with proper care and placement. Make sure to brush and floss regularly, and see Dr. Daniel Banks for regular cleanings and oral exams. This will help prolong the lifespan of your crown.

Did you know…

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Dental crowns typically last up to 15 years with proper care and cleaning.

Ready for your next dental appointment?

Call (970) 460-8989
  • Mon: 8:00am - 3:30pm
  • Tue: 8:00am - 6:00pm
  • Wed: 9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Thurs: 8:00am - 6:00pm
  • FRI: 8:00am - 3:30pm