Is a Chipped Tooth an Emergency?

So you were eating something one day in front of the TV, just relaxing. Then, all of a sudden, you feel a bit of your tooth chip away.

While it can be a scary situation to find yourself in, a chipped tooth isn’t always a dental emergency. While it’s a good idea to go see a dentist as soon as possible, you may have a bit of leeway regarding this appointment.

Here’s how to tell if a chipped tooth is an emergency or not.

Types of Chipped Teeth

There are 3 types of chipped teeth you can see with the naked eye:

  • White tooth - If you chip a tooth, but the remaining tooth is white as usual, then you’re most likely not dealing with an emergency situation. The bit of tooth that is exposed should have the same color as the rest of the enamel, and you should not be experiencing any pain. Just contact your dentist for a regular appointment to get it fixed at the next available time slot;
  • Two-colored tooth - If you notice the tooth is white with some dark brown or yellow part, then you have a more severe case of chipped teeth. This discoloration usually means the dentin of the tooth and the enamel have been fractured, meaning you may experience some sensitivity to cold foods and drinks, and maybe even some pain while chewing. Still, this is not an emergency per se, so you can book a dental appointment during regular business hours;
  • The chip is very large - Large chips may actually be considered dental cracks or even fractures. If the area that’s been chipped away is quite large, and you notice the remaining tooth also has some discoloration, feels loose, and becomes sensitive when you apply a bit of pressure, then you will need an emergency dental appointment.

Most chipped teeth are not a dental emergency. When they are small, most likely the nerves of the tooth are intact. But if you are experiencing a lot of pain or the tooth has been cracked in half, then you’ll need to see the dentist right away.

How Are Chipped Teeth Treated?

If the integrity of the tooth is fine, then the chipped tooth will likely be treated with a cosmetic procedure such as dental bonding or even veneers.

More severe cases of chipping may require a dental crown, or even a tooth extraction, in which case you may need a dental implant to replace it.

Dealing with a Chipped Tooth? We Can Help

If you’re dealing with a chipped tooth, both Dr. Daniel Banks and Dr. Jacob Dunham are here to help you get it fixed swiftly. Our practice provides both cosmetic and emergency dentistry in Windsor for your convenience.

Book a consultation at Water Valley Dental online, or call us at (970) 460-8989 today for an emergency dental appointment.

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