Healing After Dental Implants: What to Expect

Dental implants are a type of procedure designed to replace missing teeth in a way that you can regain the full function and aesthetics of your smile.

If you are considering getting a dental implant, you likely have a lot of questions about the procedure, particularly its aftercare. Check out this short blog post from Water Valley Dental to learn more about what you can expect during the healing process of a dental implant.

How the Healing Process Works

A dental implant involves taking a metal screw-like root and placing it into the jaw bone to replace the missing tooth. The root will then receive an abutment and a dental crown that is fixed on top and works just like a natural tooth.

Both your jawbone and gum area will need to heal around the metal root, which can take anywhere from 3-6 months, depending on different factors such as your health or lifestyle. The gums and bone tissues begin healing right away, but they need time for the site to fully close, and for the implant to bond with your jaw, before you can move on to the next stages of getting dental implants.

Dental Implant Healing Timeline

The healing timeline can be different from patient to patient, but for the most part, you can expect to go through the following stages:

  • 1-week post-op: During this time, the site begins to close, but the site can still be tender, and you can experience some mild bleeding.
  • 2 weeks post-op: By this point, the site is usually fully closed and you should not be feeling any more pain or discomfort.
  • 3-6 months post-op: While the site may look closed, the area still needs a bit more time to fully heal. Usually, people will not experience any issues during it and can resume normal activities and diet.

How to Care for Your Dental Implant

There are some things you can do to ensure a speedy recovery after getting a dental implant:

  • Avoid chewing on hard foods for the first 2 weeks
  • Eat on the other side of your mouth
  • Don’t brush directly over the implant site until the area closes
  • Clean the mouth with saline water or mouthwash to remove bacteria
  • Brush the rest of your teeth normally at least 2 times a day

Additionally, once the dental implant is healed and you get the crown attached, it’s still important to maintain good oral hygiene! With the right care, a dental implant can last a lifetime, and the crown can last as long as 20 years before you need to replace it.

Considering Implants? Water Valley Dental Can Help!

If you have missing teeth and are wondering if dental implants are right for you, stop by Water Valley Dental for a consultation and guidance to make the right choice for you and your smile.

Book an appointment with Dr. Daniel Banks today!

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